60 Seconds on Sales-Led Analyst Relations

If there's one standout strength in my Analyst Relations game, it's practicing what I call "Sales-Led" Analyst Relations. What the heck do I mean by that? This video (from my podcast with Elena Georgieva of Women in Analyst Relations) explains...

Here's the TLDR for those who don't have 60 seconds: Use Industry Analysts to Make Selling Easier is the North Star for a sales-led AR program.

That means getting a few key analysts evangelizing our message to ICP buyers is priority # 1, 2, and 3 - and we let the PR or marketing-style goals like counting mentions and licensing top of funnel content fall way down on the priority list.

I hope you find this helpful!


Startup Question: How do I know it’s time to engage with Analysts?


First 60-Day Roadmap for a Newly Hired Analyst Relations (AR) Professional